For all players over the age of 16 as at 1st September
When and Where
The Auckland Cricket Playing Dates can be found on their website. Teams will play on Saturday against other teams in Auckland Cricket. Games are scheduled home and away across the city. When playing a 'home' game ACA will schedule the match as close to AUCC as possible. Typically matches begin at 11am for Men's Premier and Premier Reserves and approximately 12pm for other grades
For all the ACA Competition Offerings please click here​
Men's Grade Cricket: (selected from AUCC members on a game-by-game basis)
Men's Premier
Men's Premier Reserves
Men's Premier 3's
Men's Championship (2nd Grade)
Under 23 (1 Day Only)
Men's 1-Day Grades Only:
One Day 1A-4B Grades Available
Presidents Grade (Over 40's)
Saturday and Sunday Twenty20 Grades (3-hour games starting at 12:30 or 3:30 depending on draw; half-season team entries available)
Teams play against clubs from within the Auckland region so travel is required to game venues when playing away from home
Two Day Grades
One Day (Coloured) Shirts will be provided by the club
Two Day (White) Shirts will be provided for the club for the top three sides. The 4th Team and Under 23's will be provided with shirts next year. Old shirts to be used during this transitional year.
Players must purchase all other uniform from Cricket Express. The playing uniform comprises:​
Blue Cap with the Club Logo, or White "floppy"
General White Cricket Long Pants
General White Cricket Long Pants Jersey (optional)
Warm Up Kit - A special order is made in September. Specials order can be made after this point. Please contact the club manager
One Day Grades
Players must wear their own uniform with a club logo. Logo must be supplied by the club manager
The White Shirt is also available on request
Men's 2 Day Grades:
The Club employs a dedicated coach for the Men's Premier, Women's Premier and Men's Premier Reserve teams.
The teams practice twice a week and are selected and named for every game.
The Club also conducts a Senior Pre-season training programme starting in August.
Men's 1 Day Grades: Not Applicable
Draw & Playing Conditions
For the Draw Refer to Auckland Cricket website
For the Playing Conditions refer to Auckland Cricket Website
To register now please click here​
Downloads and Resources
Below is a list of documents and resources that may be needed throughout the season